May 18th
Register for this free webinar today
Selbstbestimmung, Wissen und Empowerment für deine Wechseljahre
Die Wechseljahre können eine lange, einsame Reise sein. Mit vielen Ängsten und unbeschreiblichen Symptomen. Wir verstehen dass Bedürfnis nach Austausch und Aufklärung. Deshalb habe ich die Meno-Power-Hour gegründet.
Eine Stunde in der du die Chance hast deine Fragen nicht nur an mich, sondern auch eine versierte Ärztin zu stellen. Dr. Helena Wehner und ich beantworten und klären auf, in einem ZOOM call mit maximal 10 Teilnehmern pro Session. z

Hey ladies!
My name is Sally Bolinger and I’m a certified Functional Medicine Health Coach. I am a women´s health advocate and I support anyone that is struggeling through perimenopause and beyond.
I created this program because I felt the need for a guided detox program.
It happens all the time, we think we are eating healthier because a box, label, or diet says we are; but nothing changes. We are still bloated, exhausted, overwhelmed, and the extra pounds still linger.
I know I am sick of this continuous cycle, aren’t you?!
The Summer Detox Program is about discovering what works for YOU and YOUR unique body.
Stop guessing what your body needs, quit jumping on the next diet train that pulls up at the station, and say no more to yoyoing your weight.
It’s time to dig deep and learn what your body really needs so you can tap into your unique blueprint that gives you limitless wisdom on the right foods that will keep your body living and loving life!
Did you know: Your body carries roughly 5-10 pounds of toxicity (a.k.a inflammation) at any given time. Which means that headache, bloated belly, or that extra weight that’s staying on? Yep. Probably toxicity.

What are some of the results you can expect from the summer detox?
Drop an average of 3-5 pounds in one week - naturally!
Feel more energized and alive than you ever have before - take the dance floor by storm!
Break free from sugar cravings - learn how to enjoy healthy sweets!
Sleep deeply and peacefully ALL NIGHT LONG - no more dark circles under those eyes!
Decrease inflammation - and feel amazing in the buff!
You’ll receive all of these life changing goodies as part of your program:
Summer Detox Guide: A guide that will walk you through everything you need to know about detoxing physically, mentally, and emotionally so you can kick booty during this detox!
Daily Email Support: I’ll be popping into your inbox every. single. day. to hold you accountable and make sure you get the support you NEED to finally get the changes you DESIRE
Suggested Meals: Forget about trying to figure out what to eat and how to plan your meals. For the entire program, I have you covered with deliciously thought out meals from breakfast to dinner.
Life-time access to private FB-group: Feel supported and part of a community within this private group.
PLUS, if you sign up today, you will automatically enter our price-draw to win a personal coaching session with me.

I know this is the perfect program for you if...
You’re ready to ditch the diet and figure out what ACTUALLY works for you
You’re ready to kiss the belly bloat that’s been lingering
You want more energy so you can enjoy your life more without feeling tired
You want to look and feel younger without the botox and caffeine
You want to jumpstart your metabolism and enjoy a night out on the town
You want to balance your blood sugar and kick cravings to the curb
You’re busy and want quick, easy tools & recipes that work without causing overwhelm
Does that sound about right?
Then it’s time for YOU to experience the Summer Detox and crush those health and wellness goals!